Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Episcopal Church Welcomes...Me? 4 Questions to Episcopal/Anglicans Before I Convert!

Update: Thanks to all of those who offered me answers to these questions! As I wrote on this post, I have decided to stay in the Roman Catholic Church. Thank you for all your help in my discernment.

As part of my discernment process of whether to join the Anglican communion or not, I have done extensive research over its many issues, and more specifically, into the perceived issues of the Episcopal Church.

Some of the research has been encouraging, and some of it, to be honest, deeply troubling.

For this reason, I'd like to ask these 4 questions to people who belong to the Episcopal Church, or to members of ACNA, or any other Anglican body. I apologize in advance if any of these questions sound offensive. I'm just reacting to the wildly contradicting and varied opinions I hear about the Episcopal church, and it is difficult at this time to separate fact from fiction.

The 4 questions are...

1) Would I be mocked, dissuaded, or discouraged if I hold to my creedal orthodoxy?
I affirm the Nicene Creed. I believe that there is one Triune God, that Jesus died for my sins, that his death has atoning power, that He really rose bodily from the dead, and that He really will return again.

Would I be welcomed and encouraged in my beliefs? Would I find myself at home with these beliefs in the Episcopal church, or will my faith be mocked as fundamentalist and not in with the times?

2)Would I be welcomed with my Marian devotion and  my devotion to the saints?
If I am not  part of an Anglo-Catholic congregation, would I still be welcomed at the table?

3) Would I find a community that is committed to following Christ in a multi-religious society, instead of being encouraged to follow Christ with a multi-religious spirituality?
I am looking for a Christ-centric church. I heard stories of clergy in the Episcopal church reading from other religious texts and performing religious practices of other religions. While this is not necessarily a bad thing, it does seem a step too close to religious relativism.

Is this a normal occurrence? Can I expect to find a Christ-centric congregation or would I be discouraged in my single minded pursuit of Christ with ad-hominems like close-mindedness?

4) Finally, would I be welcomed if I consider social justice important but not the end point of Christian discipleship?
Is it OK if I believe that social justice is an important aspect of Christian discipleship, but not the most important aspect of it?

Again, I Apologize if these Questions Sound Offensive!
These questions are not intended to disrespect people's belief, or to make assumptions on the Episcopal church. If anything, it is to clarify what could become assumptions. These are questions that are being raised in my mind from the research I made on the the Episcopal church.

I'm simply  giving people who are in the Episcopal church an opportunity to clarify these issues.

Also, if you think that my beliefs and values expressed above are not a good fit with the Episcopal church, then please tell me so! This would help me greatly in my discernment process as I find a place to be and grow in Christ!

Thank you in advance!

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